Fabulous Familiars Bundle

by Leah R. Cutter, Dayle A. Dermatis, Rebecca M. Senese

Enjoy the urban fantasy stories of the Uncollected Anthology: Fabulous Familiars now collected in this bundle.

From the new familiars trying to learn how to deal with their masters to the old hands dealing with new adventures, these stories will delight you.

Explore the Uncollected Anthology with these Fabulous Familiars!


About the Authors

Leah R. Cutter

Leah Cutter writes page-turning, wildly imaginative fiction set in exotic locations, such as a magical New Orleans, the ancient Orient, rural Kentucky, Seattle, Minneapolis, and many others.

She writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, literary, and horror fiction. Her short fiction has been published in magazines such as Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and Talebones, anthologies such as Fiction River, and on the web. Her long fiction has been published both by New York publishers as well as small presses.

Read more books by Leah Cutter at www.KnottedRoadPress.com.

Follow her blog at www.LeahCutter.com.

Dayle A. Dermatis

Dayle A. Dermatis is the author or coauthor of many novels (including snarky urban fantasies Ghosted and the forthcoming Shaded and Spectered) and more than a hundred short stories in multiple genres, appearing in such venues as Fiction River, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, and DAW Books.

Called the mastermind behind the Uncollected Anthology project, she also guest edits anthologies for Fiction River, and her own short fiction has been lauded in many year's best anthologies in erotica, mystery, and horror.

She lives in a book- and cat-filled historic English-style cottage in the wild greenscapes of the Pacific Northwest. In her spare time she follows Styx around the country and travels the world, which inspires her writing.

To find out where she’s wandered off to (and to get free fiction!), check out DayleDermatis.com and sign up for her newsletter or support her on Patreon.

Rebecca M. Senese

Based in Toronto, Canada, Rebecca M. Senese survives the frigid blasts of winter and boiling steams of summer by weaving words of mystery, horror, science fiction and fantasy.

She is the author of the fantasy/mystery series, the Noel Kringle Chronicles featuring the son of Santa Claus working as a private detective in Toronto. Her work has appeared in Feisty Felines & Other Fantastical Familiars, Holiday Hijinks: Mistletoe Merriment, Happy Holiday Historicals, Whimsical Winter Wonderland, Crazy Christmas Capers, Blaze Ward Presents Special Edition: After the Fall, Cutter’s Final Cut 4: Witches, Bitter Mountain Moonlight: A Cave Creek Anthology, Promise in the Gold: A Cave Creek Anthology, Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Home for the Howlidays, Unmasked: Tales of Risk and Revelation, the Obsessions Anthology, Fiction River: Superpowers, Fiction River: Visions of the Apocalypse, Tesseracts 16: Parnassus Unbound, Ride the Moon, Tesseracts 15: A Case of Quite Curious Tales, and Storyteller, amongst others.

Find out more about Rebecca at:
and RebeccaSeneseBooks.com

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