The Changeling And The Judge

by Annie Reed

Five days a week no-nonsense Judge Malvina Dockerty, star of the daytime TV courtroom show Dockerty’s Docket, hands down decisions with her infamous judicial acumen, acerbic wit, and take-no-prisoners attitude. She cuts through to the heart of the cases brought before her, delivering justice, not to mention entertainment value.

Only this year, her network bosses decided to amp up the entertainment value for sweeps week. For the first time ever, Dockerty’s Docket will air live and feature the most offbeat cases her show runners can find.

The most offbeat, the most difficult, the most unusual cases they can find.

Cases broadcast on live TV. With potentially volatile litigants who know the whole world is watching.

What could possibly go wrong?


About the Author

Annie Reed is one of the founding members of the Uncollected Anthology. She’s been called “one of the best writers of her generation” and for good reason. An award-winner in multiple genres, her stories have appeared in five year’s best mystery and crime volumes, including an amazing three years in a row in the prestigious Best Mystery Stories of the Year from series editor Otto Penzler. In addition to contributing to nearly every issue of the Uncollected Anthology since its inception, this prolific author is also a frequent contributor to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, Mystery, Crime & Mayhem, and Thrill Ride Magazine. Annie and fellow UA member Robert Jeschonek are also the co-authors of the popular Gray Lady series of space opera novels. Find out more about her at Sign up for her newsletter at