The Wolf

by Bonnie Elizabeth

Gina’s appearance on a hit detective sitcom is more revealing than she expected. An aging actress, Gina Fields, is asked to guest star on the hit detective show, The Wolf, about a werewolf detective. While she knows her lines and plays her part, the star of the show has other ideas. When things don’t go quite the way they should, Gina changes. But will her change hurt the show’s ratings or help?


About the Author

Speculative fiction writer and retired acupuncturist, Bonnie Elizabeth uses her varied experiences to create believable but often unusual characters. Writing in a broad variety of genres, the underlying theme remains connection is magic, whether that connection is human to human, human to animal, or human to self.

Cat lovers and travelers particularly love her fictional settings where frisky felines can often be found lounging around, or giving snarky advice to main characters. Regular readers love that they can always expect the unexpected in a Bonnie Elizabeth tale.

As a multi-genre author, Bonnie has written paranormal cozy mystery, contemporary fantasy, gothic suspense, paranormal women’s fiction, and even young adult contemporary fantasy novels. Her short stories range from contemporary mystery to science fiction and secondary world fantasy.

Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Bonnie worked as a veterinary receptionist, cemetery administrator, and spent plenty of time in libraries and bookstores. She has hiked around Easter Island, jumped from an airplane (okay it was a tandem dive and she was attached to someone who jumped), cruised around the tip of Cape Horn, and eaten freshly caught food in a French chateau.

She lives with her husband, who is generally supportive of her writing, and her three cats, two of whom are known for sitting on the keyboard in the middle of the most intense scenes.



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