Award-winning author Annie Reed describes herself as a desert rat who longs to live by the ocean. Since she hasn’t yet convinced her family to relocate to a nice chunk of beachfront property, she’s done the next best thing—written a series of stories set in a contemporary Pacific Northwest city where magic and reality go hand in hand.
Private investigators Diz and Dee populate Annie’s more lighthearted stories, while denizens of a much rougher neighborhood lurk in her Tales From the Shadows.
A talented and versatile writer whose fantasy, science fiction, and mystery stories have sold to a wide variety of publications, including five of the first seven volumes of Fiction River’s inaugural year.
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Books By Annie Reed
The Changeling And The JudgeEthereal EntertainmentThe ProtectorThe InvitationMystical MapsThe Wizard Behind the CurtainUnexpected HistoriesLike Our Fathers Before UsThe CodeParanormal PiratesMis-SpelledMagical ArtsMaggie's Missing MojoConjuring CrimeHole-in-the-Wall ShrinkAlchemyDancing Across the CanyonSupernatural SoireesWhat Lives BeneathMazes & LabyrinthsRoom 308Crossroad Hotel BundleHunter by NightSilver Linings BundleBig Bad WolfBeasties BundleThe Outlaw of Ghost CityUrban Western BundleBrick HousesFairy Tales BundleYear Two OmnibusDeadbeatsWarlocks BundleMystical Melodies BundleThe FixerSpells Gone Awry BundleBewitching Love BundleYear One OmnibusFortune Tales BundleOut of the Woods BundleEnchanted Emporium BundleMagical Libraries BundleTramps & ThievesLights! Camera! Action?All Hallows' HangoverThe Library of Orphaned HeartsRites of PassagePortals & Passageways BundleLove Stinks, Inc.Heartspells BundleThe Snow QueenWinter Witches BundleThe Magic of HomeMagical Motorcycles Bundle