Leah Cutter writes page-turning, wildly imaginative fiction set in exotic locations, such as a magical New Orleans, the ancient Orient, rural Kentucky, Seattle, Minneapolis, and many others.
She writes fantasy, science fiction, mystery, literary, and horror fiction. Her short fiction has been published in magazines such as Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and Talebones, anthologies such as Fiction River, and on the web. Her long fiction has been published both by New York publishers as well as small presses.
Read more books by Leah Cutter at www.KnottedRoadPress.com.
Follow her blog at www.LeahCutter.com.
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Books By Leah R. Cutter
If Wishes Were FishesMagical LawWere-TeenKnight DragonsGlitter Makes the Galaxy Go RoundFaeries in SpaceUnexpected HistoriesAngry EarthThe Abracadabra PiratesParanormal PiratesMosaic MagicMagical ArtsHappy Music and Dancing FeetSupernatural SoireesA Stitch in TimeMazes & LabyrinthsWith a Little Help From the GodsDeitiesThe Talent ShowCrossroad Hotel BundleInvitation to the BallSilver Linings BundleThe Challenges of Raising Urban ChickensBeasties BundleThe Last Little DogieUrban Western BundleFairy Tale FatesFairy Tales BundleThe Perfect ShoesHeart's Desire BundleYear Two OmnibusTransformationsWarlocks BundleMystical Melodies BundleNine LivesSpells Gone Awry BundleBewitching Love BundleThe Bee-Keeper's DaughterYear One OmnibusThe Mouse Who LaughedFabulous Familiars BundleFortune Tales BundleOut of the Woods BundleHappily Ever Afters BundleEnchanted Emporium BundleCandles and ShadowsPaulaleenaLost StarsThe Sweet ShopWar On All FrontsPortals & Passageways BundleThe Midnight GardenerHeartspells BundleThe Last Dancing LeavesWinter Witches BundleDancing with Tong YiMagical Motorcycles Bundle