Based in Toronto, Canada, Rebecca M. Senese writes horror, science fiction and mystery/crime, often all at once in the same story. Garnering an Honorable Mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction and nominated for numerous Aurora Awards, her work has appeared in the anthology Tesseracts 16: Parnassus Unbound, the anthology Tesseracts 15: A Case of Quite Curious Tales, the anthology Imaginarium 2012, the anthology Ride the Moon, the TransVersions anthology, Deadbolt Magazine, On Spec, The Vampire's Crypt, Storyteller, Reflection's Edge, the anthology Future Syndicate, and Into the Darkness, amongst others.
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Books By Rebecca M. Senese
Great Balls of FireMagical LawEthereal EntertainmentThe Magical IngredientReservedSummer SolsticeSudden ShiftMind Your MapMystical MapsThe Witch Who Slayed a DragonTo Exceed Her ReachFaeries in SpaceQuest for GrathlierMagical QuestsUnexpected HistoriesThe Female TriumvirateMutiny on a Cruise ShipParanormal PiratesGraffiti MagicMagical ArtsFamily TracesConjuring CrimeA Flame UnboundAlchemyAfter HoursSupernatural SoireesOf Mice and MazeMazes & LabyrinthsJob HuntDeitiesRoom ServiceCrossroad Hotel BundleThe Bright SideSilver Linings BundleRise UpBeasties BundleCoffee RunUrban Western BundleFamily ReunionFairy Tales BundleHeart TalkHeart's Desire BundleYear Two OmnibusBorrowed MagicWarlocks BundleWhen the Music PlaysMystical Melodies BundleTear AwaySpells Gone Awry BundleBewitching Love BundleYear One OmnibusWinging ItFabulous Familiars BundleFortune Tales BundleOut of the Woods BundleEnchanted Emporium BundleFortune's CookieThe Reveal WithinThe Magic Bean